Well we did our very best to fight the semi-gloomy weather and celebrate every last ounce of summer this long Labor Day weekend. Friday kicked off just right with Mexican food with the fam. I don't know what happened, but Dear Hubs and I looked at each other around 5 and proclaimed a hankering for all things cheese dip and taco!
Saturday brought a day full of projects and the usual errands. With a huge (and I do mean HUGE) organization project underway and nearing completion in the garage, we sorted, trashed and stuffed for what felt like hours. Try doing all of that with a little that wants to hold power tools ... it 'aint that easy! That evening, we joined friends for an end of summer fish fry. The men folk had caught more than a ton of fish deep sea fishing and now, we all gathered to dine on the delicious fruits of the sea. I was responsible for my signature hush puppies at the "bring a dish" event. Oh, if only they all knew how simple that really was!
Anywho, we dined until our bellies could hold no more and then we sat around like a bunch of beach whales watching the celebratory start of college football on tv. Perfecto.
Sunday brought another day of projects along with a stop down to see Grand Nana (my Nana) for the fam. We wrapped up the projects and called it a day early so we wouldn't dare be late for the big wedding event for C and B. They were married in a beautiful Jewish ceremony at the Intercontinental Hotel in Buckhead. Bestie M served as the Matron of Honor and she made a lovely speach that just melted hearts. The cake was a beauty and the white tree decor was really elaborate (and may need to be recreated in a some fashion for the holidays!). Pardon the terrible pics with the iphone, did the best I could with the crazy lighting and minimal equipment! :)
Monday was D-day, that's delivery day around these parts. We finished up every bit of the garage and I turned my attention to my new found craft storage in the basement. It was shocking to try and organize my crafty wares only to realize I could (a) open my very own Hobby Lobby with all the junk I have saved up or (b) should go on a special crafting edition of that trainwreck show Hoarders!
After tossing a bunch of odds and ends, gathering a pile for charity and pronouncing myself organized; I turned my attenion to my inexpensive dresser and new Annie Sloan chalk paint. Assuming this little thing turns out peachy, I will be painting a matching one soon for a very low cost night stand solution for our master. Stay tuned.
On Sunday, Dear Hubs pronounced himself "a very useful engine" and I couldn't help but chuckle. What on Earth did we do before having a little that is obsessed with Thomas the Train? But yes, Dear Hubs ... I'd definitely agree! We finished the day with homemade fish tacos and Georgia Tech football. Besides the tight game ending in a loss, the weekend was proclaimed a success!