August 28, 2012

Let's all go to the movies

Every now and again, dear Hubs and I try to sneak away on a Saturday evening for a movie, good dinner out on the town or some other shenanigan.  This Saturday, with not much planning, we headed out for a few hours of fun.  Our original plan of going to the in-town prohibition styled hot spot of Holman and Finch was foiled by (a) poor planning and (b) a tired diva after CITY FINALS of USTA tennis and (c) a hangy that Dear Hubs was nursing from too much rye whiskey Friday night (the details of how that happened still seem fuzzy).

Anywho, our initial "big steak dinner" plans weren't well planned and fell apart the minute the hostess at a local fave spot claimed a 2 hour wait.  I don't know about y'all... but this diva does not wait 2 HOURS for any food.  I don't care what it is. 

So, after hemming and hawing, we settled on a quick Twisted Taco bite (which was delish) and the movie The Campaign.   After eating more queso and chips that our tummies could handle, we skipped the popcorn and settled right into our big oversized movie seats to be either really entertained or take a nap to sleep off those tacos!

We made it just in time to catch a few coming attractions that were classified by moi as either "so cute" or "creepy, scary... don't even think we will come see that".  After the "quiet please" clip that I swear hasn't changed since I was in middle school, the big show started.  Look, truth be told I'm a huge fan of Will Ferrell. He's so great.  This movie fell right into his wheel house and was just as priceless of every minute of Talledega Nights, Anchor Man, Old School ... you name it!  I looked over to find Dear Hubs almost in tears a few times.  If you love Will humor, you will like this flick.  If it's just so so ... it's definitely worth a rental!
