October 14, 2012

The Harvest Bounty

Last week, I shared about our big day at Burt's Farm over here.  It was so very fun for the bigs and littles in our family.  I bet you might be wondering what on earth I did with all those giant pumpkin darlings, right?

Well ... a truckload full of the mini pumpkins, dried gords and corn stalks went on a buffet in the kitchen.  You can't tell from this angle, but there are a few in the planter basket itself on the other side.

The big boys found a home out front.  The two mega-pumpkins were accompanied by three medium dolls.  Two on the steps and three nestled in the front flower bed on top of a bail of hay.  This felt like a nice replacement for the flowers I never got around to planting!  You can see my pumpkin topiaries and the "fall y'all" pillows on the porch from this view (the how to on the pillows is over here).  And yes, that's my decorating assistant cutting the grass (always) on the front walk!  He's a pretty tall little, you can see how enormous those pumpkins are with the scale to him. 

And for good measure, one of the mid sized (smaller) pumpkins was added to the bird bath in the side landscaping.  I just love this one because I can see it first thing every morning when I go outside with the diva dogs, when we play in the yard or when I'm racing like a wild woman down the drive!

One last snap ... Baby B sure does love these rockers.  I just can't keep him off of the front porch.  He always does a little Goldilocks survey of the four big rockers and then selects this one "the "y'all pillow seat" for his just right fit.  Too sweet!