December 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Tree

As part of our newfound Thanksgiving traditions, this year was the first time we created a chain of thankful thoughts.  This sweet project was explained in this previous posting.  I promised myself that the thanksgiving decor would be traded in for Christmas decor NO LATER than Decemberr 1.  Well, I just couldn't part with the thankful chain yet.  As I put up my Christmas decor, I had the idea to take this chain and use it to decorate a small tree in my dining room.  In addition to some beautiful white washed ornaments and leopard ribbon, the thankful chain was the perfect decoration.  Friends and family have had a good time reading the things Dear Hubs and I are thankful for, I think "Golden Girl reruns at 2am (when Baby B wakes up)" was especially a hit!

I just love the way this turned out!