May 08, 2011

Mother's Day Surprise

Yet another record setting busy weekend is drawing to a close and I have to report that we had fun, fun, FUN all weekend long!  One of the sweetest surprises was a little Mother's Day breakfast celebration that was completely unexpected.  While we are expecting the arrival of our first, sweet Baby B next month; Dear Hubs surprised me this morning with a little Mother's Day celeration all of my own! 

Yesterday was spent with my Nana, we had plans to call my lovely MIL in Philly and had already sent her a gift since we couldn't be with her and we would be meeting Zsa Zsa and fam for lunch ... so I thought all my Mother's Day bases were covered.  Well, they were :).  This morning, I woke up to the banging of hammers (happy to report the porch project is under way) and easily convinced myself to lazily lay in bed for about 30 minutes more.  When I surfaced, to my surprise, Dear Hubs had been a busy bee this morning and secured breakfast and a little gift.  I would have been pleased with just a cup of coffee, but the dear man had made pancakes and fresh fruit for my very first Mother's Day breakfast.  If that wasn't enough ... the table was set with a sweet card from Baby B and tulips.  He definitely out did himself with loving sweetness and it meant so very much to me.

On Mother's Day, we are reminded to give thanks to the important women in our lives that not only gave us life but selflessly poured themselves into us for the decades since birth.  As I excitedly anticipate the joys of motherhood myself, I am in awe of the wonderful mother figure in my life and hope to be just a bit as perfect as she is.  They say parenthood is a learning process, and I feel very blessed to be learning from my mother who is indeed a pro.

Happy Mother's Day!